Dinner With Micki, Julie, Shannon and Stacy (and Vern, Too!)

Dec 21, 2015 23:56

This is an annual tradition, for Marilyn and I to go to Micki and Vern's house for dinner during the Christmas season. This happens when Shannon is home for the holidays, so we can see her, as well.

Micki used to be a festival director -- and has been our friend for decades. Shannon was an intern and then a seasonal assistant (over two years) for the festival. And that's when we met her mother, Julie (Micki's daughter). Confused yet? (smile)

Micki was originally married to Mel (both were friends). Years back I was a computer consultant for Mel, before his death. Anyway, Micki and Vern are now married. Interestingly enough, Vern is a Royal Rosarian. It's all very 'incestuous.' Hahaha. (The Royal Rosarians are very tied to the festival.)

We were really stuck in traffic for the first half an hour or so -- then things cleared out and we had no trouble going the rest of the way there. Micki and Vern live in Vancouver -- and it's very hard to get to Vancouver from Portland this time of year.

Vern gets to interact for a bit, then is given a plate of food and sent off to fend for himself so we 'girls' can eat, drink and chat like mad. Hahaha. Julie's married daughter Stacy (Shannon's older sister) also comes, so we're a delightful group: Micki, Marilyn, Shannon, Stacy, Julie and me! Six women all talking pretty much at one time. Okay, I'm exaggerating a little.

These are WONDERFUL friends -- and we always have a fabulous time! Micki cooks dinner for us and we have drinks and talk and talk about just everything and anything.

I wish we'd taken more photos, darn it!!! We didn't end up getting a photo of Julie (again), as she ended up taking the pictures.

They were so sweet to both of us. They even invited us to join them for Christmas Day! Isn't that kind?

They sent us home with gifts from Julie and Micki and Vern. We took over a couple of bottles of eggnog with the booze already in it (something like five kinds of alcohol!), plus gifts for Micki and Vern. But we're thinking of getting some things for Julie, Stacy and Shannon, too...

As for the rest of our day, we did get over (finally!) and get our pedicures and manicures! We really needed both. So our toes and fingernails looked lovely for tonight.

We did drive out and take the card for Summer to Marilyn's hair salon, finally. Summer wasn't there, but at least we did it...

We lost power briefly while at the nail salon! Everybody in the place moaned when it happened! That would have been AWFUL to be partway done and not able to finish up!

It was a CRAZY windy day! Stormy as mad. We were watching a seagull trying to fly into the wind and he just kept getting pushed back again!!!

We lost power just briefly at home, earlier, but it came right back on again, thankfully. We had some branches come down, but the wind storm wasn't that bad for us, I'm happy to report. It could have been far worse. I keep thinking about the storm we had last December 11 -- when we lost most of one big tree and another large tree out in back. Awful.

Well, we didn't get home until around 11:00 and I'm tired. So hopefully we'll be heading to bed soon.

We want to go to Costco (again) tomorrow. And we were going to go to Walmart tonight, but just didn't feel like it. So I guess we'll go tomorrow night.

One Last Note: I think Kris fixed the certificate today. But he's changed the Admin password, so I'll need to chat with him tomorrow. Plus I'm not sure HOW things will work with the new certificate. I thought it might be automatic, but I think you need additional action/information. I guess I'll find out tomorrow... (sigh) It was good of Kris to work on it. I'm very thankful.

Happy Holidays, friends! Sleep well.

mickie-and-vern, manicures, traffic, julie-and-stacy, vancouver-washington, power-outage, dinner, kris, dinner-party, december-2015, wind-storm, shannon, royal-rosarians, friends, wind, 2015, pedicure, christmas

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