The actual time right now it five minutes to two (1:55 a.m.). But I want this to display for Saturday, May 30, so...
We were at the Starlight After-Party with the lovely Adeena (our dear friend) until midnight! They were sweeping us out of the park! The numbers were less than Jeff had hoped for, but still amazing. It was just packed in the RoZone!!! What a crowd.
Sir Mix-A-Lot puts on a great show! And it was fun having our AND I CAN NOT LIE t-shirts on. Hahaha. The most fun you could possibly have at a concert without drinking (smile).
I just got done putting up the results (awards) for the 2015 Starlight Parade at the festival website. The front desk will be glad to have those there when people call to ask about who won -- and I'm sure Rich will be pleased in the morning to be able to simply gack my stuff in order to send out the press release about the awards.
The next News item I'll want to put up will be to pimp for float decorators -- we're apparently short this year. I've never done it, but it always looks like a lot of fun when I'm at the float barn taking photos of people working on floats. GFP is an all-floral parade, so entries need to be covered in natural materials. That doesn't just mean flowers, however! It can be seeds, coconut, bark, fruit (oranges are awesome on floats!), potatoes (make great 'stones'), leaves, grasses, and on and on. I'm sure you get the picture.
This morning I stayed home, planning to work on editing the Grand Floral Parade script that Jillian wrote. But Marilyn phoned me as soon as she got to the office -- the Treasure Hunt Medallion was found today! Last year it wasn't found until June 6, so this is quite early. Anyway, I needed to get on the phone and interview the winner so I could put up a News item about him...
This will sound like bragging (sorry!), but I'm rather good at that. I chatted with him and asked him some questions, jotting down a few notes. Then I immediately turned it into text. Marilyn was kind enough to get me the photos I needed for the article, so I had it done pretty quickly. It was exciting to beat The Oregonian getting it up online. (They co-sponsor this event with us.) Brian (the winner) will be riding in the GFP with his wife and family members who were hunting with him. He also gets a trip and $1,000.
Marilyn came home for me around noon. I made cheese sands for lunch. I wore my NEW gray logo shirt to work today. It's very nice!
When we got to work (back to work for Marilyn), she and Adeena (who is our Rosie the Riveter) went down to CityFair to the Museum. Marilyn was on 'crown' duty, and Adeena was signing Rosie posters and giving them away. I guess it was pretty hot and miserable there! There's no place to sit down and they didn't have any water for the two hours they were there, poor things!
Meanwhile I was working on the GFP script that I hadn't really been able to start (well, barely) at home this morning...
Once they were done, we walked back over to CityFair and got shaved ices (Hawaiian Ice). Marilyn was dying to have one, and Adeena insisted on buying for all of us! She's a very generous girl.
We also got pronto pups and a giant (!!!) brick of curly fries.
The day raced by, I swear. We had to be over at the RoZone by 7:00 -- we ran a bit late because I wanted to finish up the script, so Marilyn could have it.
We were back and forth and back and forth to CityFair and the office so many times that I lost track! We were in our AND I CAN NOT LIE tees, and wearing our pink Lyft bracelets that glow and pulse. Very cool.
Then we had to go BACK to Marilyn's office so we could see the beginning of the Starlight Parade on TV. They re-played the festival special right before the broadcast (Marilyn is featured in it). Anyway, it was 'interesting' to watch and follow along with the script (they stuck to it pretty well, by the way). And deal with 'issues' as they came up (including a major sponsor problem).
I feel bad that I didn't catch one of the problems with the script! The super-fan who had been honored with riding in the parade should have been mentioned in the script, but it was left out. Thankfully he was featured in the TV special. And he did ride, even though his name wasn't announced...
I was eating cold asparagus all day long (left over from the party last night that Marilyn and I didn't attend). Well, at least that was healthy food! Hahaha.
Well, I'm probably forgetting things, but I'm tired, so I'm going to let it go...
We should be able to sleep in tomorrow, with any luck. Marilyn says we don't need to be at the office until noon.
I need to set up my pills, which takes forever!!! Yikes.
My blood sugar seems better, but my leg cramps seem worse again. They woke me up hurting so bad I thought I'd scream! Good grief. I'm sure glad I have those leg cramp pills, which do seem to help. But this cramp in my left butt muscle is maddening! It can make it very difficult to sit down, I'm telling you!
I need to drop souvenir programs by for my friends June and Jim one of these days soon! And I got some tees for niece Candy and sister Sue. Candy was so excited to hear that!
No more word on cousin Linda. She was maybe getting out of Cascadia today... No confirmation as to whether or not our friend Shari is actually going to GFP next Saturday or not.
I was texting with friend Mark tonight. I think he's watching GFP with friends. Rob and Jeff (my gay friends) are going to take Jeff's 70-year-old mother to the parade (they'll be sitting in the chalet).
Well, I'm off to bed. I wish I had photos ready to share, because I have some cool ones! Oh well.
Maybe we can set up Marilyn's new phone tomorrow. Timing is everything! Imagine getting her phone DURING THE FESTIVAL, of all things! Good grief.
Hope all of you are doing well!