What a Day. Good Grief! My Hair is Orange.

May 21, 2015 23:52

Well, when I saw my sister Sue earlier this week, she pointed out just how awful my hair looked, and how much I needed to color it. I was stunned when I looked in the mirror today and saw all the DAMN pure white hair framing my face! Interestingly enough, the roots weren't that grown out or bad. But right around my face was HORRIBLE.

So I colored my hair. I had a couple of choices, but I made a BAD choice. Because of the white hair, color just doesn't take the way it used to when it wasn't so very white. So the frame of my face was bright orange. Just awful. Guess what I'm doing right this minute? Yeah, coloring my hair again. Hoping this new color is dark enough to cover the awful orange. I have my fingers crossed...

And what just happened right before I needed to color again? I had yet another LOW BLOOD SUGAR incident. I'm still shaking and feeling crappy from that. It made it very difficult to put the damn hair color on. And it's not that simple in the first place. Seriously, if it hadn't been really nasty, I'd have just lived with the color.

I'm TIRED from a long, intense, busy, busy, busy day. I actually took an hour and a half nap today, too, but clearly that didn't help all that much.

I did a TON of website work today. I did my SECOND full review of the Starlight Parade script. I talked to people at work about numerous subjects.

I started my day dealing with an IT emergency. We had phones, but no internet and NO EMAIL. We simply aren't functional without email, any time of the year. But now??? Impossible!!! (I'd gotten up at 7:00, after being up until past 3:00 a.m. last night.) Kris was very helpful, thankfully.

Later I spent some time working on getting our Dell SonicWALL maintenance contract renewed.

I talked to Dean from Atmosera (formerly EasyStreet) and arranged for his wristbands.

At some point I did finish up the garbage and recycling (including cleaning the cat boxes). And spoke to neighbors Estelle and Tom (whom I'd missed talking to yesterday).

And in the middle of the day, cousin Linda called. She's in lockdown again. They told her she's bipolar, which pretty much seems like a catch-all term for many mental illnesses now. Anyway, I think after two separate phone calls (the first was around an hour, the second was much shorter) that I calmed her down a bit. She seemed better during the second call, anyway. Poor Linda. She never misses Opening Day or the Grand Floral Parade. But they might decide to keep her in lockdown for as much as six months...

COOL!!!!!!!!!! Saw Marilyn on the TV news!!! Just did a WONDERFUL job, and looked great! I'm so glad I didn't miss it!

I have more to share, but I need to take the color out, eat my dinner and go to bed (after drying my hair, of course). Long day tomorrow. Hugely busy day tomorrow.

I have website stuff that needs to be done right now. But it's going to keep...

marilyn, long-hours, script, festival, low-blood-sugar, marilyn-on-tv, hair, tired, starlight-parade, garbage-and-recycling, hungry, 2015, may-2015, food, festival-website

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