More Steps - The Plumber Cometh

Apr 24, 2015 23:52

Before I say anything else, I must mention the two-hour Bruce Jenner Interview, which was really wonderful. It's nice to see him being supported. (The bullying he's had to face disgusts me.)

As kids Marilyn and I babysat a young boy who knew he was a girl. Nobody seemed to understand, but Marilyn and I got it, even back then... (He wanted to wear a dress, because it felt 'right' to him.) The world HAS changed. Maybe someday the unkindness will end and the suicides will stop.

Marilyn and I remain focused on our steps. To be clear, we are focused on improving our health, and the steps is helping us. We were both TIRED today, but we still each got 10,000 steps today (and 70,000 for seven days). You know what? When you're tired -- like today -- you can just break the exercise up a bit more. But you can still work it in.

I didn't have any time this morning for steps, though. I needed to do some festival work, clean under the sink and pick up the kitchen (getting ready for the plumber), pick up around the house and more.

In the living room, I took photos of Marilyn's 40th Anniversary gifts, then moved most of them off the coffee table (where they've been almost the entire month). I spread out all the cards and took pictures of those, too. Then I straightened up the living room. And I still needed to take out the rest of the garbage and clean the cat boxes, which I did.

The great thing I got done today? I colored my hair. I'm so glad to have that done!

I did feel sore and tired today. So I was dragging a bit. But I managed to get things done, even so...

Donn got two computers done for me today (I have two people starting Monday and a third on Tuesday). Hopefully he'll finish up next week. He found out he has stones in his neck (thankfully not cancer). But he might still need surgery. He'll find out more next Thursday.

June sent me an iMessage about poor Jim Jim. He's been in horrible pain and needs surgery soon. It's disks in his spine, so clearly serious.

I'm praying hard for both of them, plus June, Jim and Denise, as well.

Carol contacted me about an issue with the eNewsletter that I looked into late afternoon. It was code, which I fixed. She wrote me such a nice thank you email after that.

Marilyn got home around 7:00, very tired. Plus she's dealing with a dental problem. One of her bad teeth -- the cap has come up on it and is keeping her from being able to bite down on either side of her mouth, poor thing. She obviously will need to somehow fit in seeing a dentist and getting the tooth pulled. How does that suck?

She did the treadmill while I just walked around the house. Believe it or not, I can get thousands of steps pacing around the inside of the house without using the treadmill. So, yeah, the treadmill is great. But you can do fine without it, too.

Has anybody watched "How It's Made" or "Mysteries at the Museum"? I've been loving the first show for some time now, but saw the second show for the first time today. Really interesting!

Fitbit Update: Marilyn did 10,729 steps today. I did 10,264 steps. Marilyn is 70,435 for seven days, and I'm 71,013. Pretty exciting.

Yes, we're also eating healthy foods. Marilyn had yogurt today, and I had brown rice and veggies (which I seriously love). We both want to lose some weight, but that's still tough...

Almost forgot to mention the plumber, Ron. A very nice guy. Anyway, the plumbing is fixed and all is fine. (It cost $160.61. Sure glad we can afford it... Well, it's always something...)

We need to work this weekend -- there's so much to do. (But I have to say Marilyn is not working those crazy long, long days right now that ran past 9:00 and later.)

walking, fitbit, plumbing, work, cards, cleaning, kitchen, food, marilyn, gifts, april-2015, 40th-anniversary, enewsletter, steps, festival, seven-day, plumber, carol, ron-plumber, garbage-and-recycling, transgender, bruce-jenner, 2015, photos, exercise

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