This entry is for WEDNESDAY, March 25 -- not to be confused with my last entry, which was for Tuesday. Hahaha.
This was an extremely busy day, with a focus on the festival website and other tasks. I barely had time to get steps in during the day, and had to finish on the treadmill tonight.
I did talk several times with sister Sue. And Rich and Christine at the office. (Among others.) In fact, I was on the phone quite a lot.
Today there was a News item to post on the website about our Official Charity, Boys & Girls Aid. Then I needed to work on the web page for this and add it to navigation (the main menu).
Meanwhile, I was testing information given to me by David about our 'missing' webpages. David had changed my access, but I was still struggling. I went back and forth with Christine and Rich much of the day as we worked on all these projects together.
At noon we had a festival item about the PDX Carpet on the news, announcing our open house at the office tomorrow -- so the public can drop in to take selfies with PeeDee! It should be fun.
I also checked on several people today to see if they'd be attending Marilyn's 40th Anniversary Party (it's a week from tomorrow). Our friend Shari won't be able to make it. And I couldn't tell for sure if our friends June and Jim are coming. Sister Sue will be there with granddaughter Nicole, but her daughter Candy is probably not attending. Nephew Larry and his wife Tammy and daughter Madyson are all excited to attend. I gave info to Hector, but don't know if he and Sandy are coming, or not. I checked with a bunch of neighbors today. I think some are excited to attend, but I'm not sure about all of them. I guess we'll see who shows up! And we haven't heard from cousin Linda, which seems strange. I need to try and contact her.
There's a large list of festival-related people attending that includes current staff and current board members -- plus a slew of former staff and former board, too. And Royal Rosarians, Rose Society and people from the media. Lots of non-board festival volunteers will be there. And I have no clue who all I'm forgetting! (Marilyn even invited some of our online friends from LiveJournal and Facebook. We both worry that not everyone received their invites, as that was out of our hands for the most part. Now I've run on about that for ages! I didn't mean to.
I've got ANTS in my bathroom. Not a ton, but this evening I'm freaked out by them. They've managed to slip inside my pill case (the one that breaks my pills down into morning and night containers for every day of the week. The damn 'new' case obviously doesn't have a tight seal! So annoying. I'm so careful about cleaning my hands and the area when I do my pills, and now I've had ants crawling on my pills! Just ugh.
I've washed my hair and need to go dry it. As I mentioned, we're having an open house at the Rose Building (our office) tomorrow, so we could end up with a lot of visits from the public! It should be interesting, anyway. I hope to be able to help work this event, anyway...
Plus I need to help Mariah in the morning with the eNewsletter. It was one of my projects today. Yet another sponsor changed their logo (this happens all the time). So I had to take the new logo, make it a transparent PNG (not easy), then I had to recolor it (white from a navy blue), also not easy. And finally upload the actual image, then recode to pull it inside the current eNewsletter (which goes out in the morning). I did upload it, but I need to explain better to Mariah how to download and save it...
And I'll need to make the coding changes for ALL of our various templates for the eNewsletter (I think there are five, total). There's always some task waiting on me to complete it, aside from the Webmaster and IT Manager stuff! Hahaha.
Poor Donn. I didn't ask him about working tomorrow until very late tonight (he was probably in bed). Well, if he can't make it, that's okay.
And I did try to help June with an issue on her iPad, but it was simply beyond me. Frankly, I know little to nothing about Gmail (which I don't use). So I'll have to leave that to Donn to fix...
Well, again, off to dry my hair! Good night, all!!! Sweet dreams!
Fitbit Update: Marilyn did 10,590 steps. I did 4,282 steps. Of course, Marilyn didn't stop there! She was still going when I wrote this down to share. So part of her steps will go over into Thursday... She's so dedicated! I'm really impressed!