This was another lazy day, happily. We decided to stay home and get more sleep, something we both enjoy -- really cherish -- these days. It's still funny to me, having spent years just letting sleep go...
Just got word that Carol is at the hospital with her husband, Brian (who has had a bad flare up of his Crohn's). Praying for him. Your good wishes and prayers are appreciated! Thanks!
Crohn's is awful. We know more than one person who really suffers from the disease.
The high winds never showed this weekend, but we're expecting some serious high winds tomorrow, I'm afraid. I guess we're going to have wind issues this winter... (sigh)
It's certainly good to see Marilyn sleep. I never feel that she gets enough sleep. We both like our weekend napping, that's for sure!
Watched "The Walking Dead" (TWD) tonight. No spoilers, but we really enjoyed this episode. And we watched "Revenge," too. Again, no spoilers, but there are any number of things to be annoyed about this season. I did enjoy the end of the episode, though. It really delighted me!
I've been enjoying iMessaging with my friend, June. We frequently connect in the evening and go back and forth.