I'm soooo tired right now that I can barely sit up to blog. I did a lot of cleaning today -- plus the garbage and recycling. I'm just worn out...
Cleaning up the aloe vera plant that Colin knocked over was a big pain, and took ages...
Hector came today and did HOURS of work! After our wind storm, tons of leaves and pine cones came down! (He had to haul off a ton of pine cones!!!)
In the afternoon I went out and cleaned off the old picnic table. It was covered with stuff, so I'm really proud of myself -- and pleased with the result. I want the surface so I could work on the aloe vera. It's huge and needed some re-potting. I don't know if it's going to make it, though. It was turned over and needed attention for days -- I didn't realize how bad it was. I guess we'll see... I had to totally rearrange the plant shelf.
And the planting soil was EVERYWHERE in the living room! Such a terrible mess! I was cleaning it all up for ages on my hands and knees.
I rearranged a bunch of stuff in the garage today, too. It made me happy! And I mopped the kitchen floor three times. It was so dirty. Then I tracked plant dirt through the room! Anyway, I ran out of time today, but I want to mop it again.
My surprise for Marilyn today? She'd given me her old 'fish' rug to throw out. It goes in her bathroom. But I kept it and did some spot cleaning, then washed it. It came out good, I think, so she can use it again! A good thing, as she hates the new rug she got...
Marilyn had a terribly stressful day at work today! Her last few weeks have been really hard for her. She works so damn hard all the time...
I got the cat boxes cleaned and the garbage and recycling done. I need to phone the City about leaf removal. They charge for it, even if you don't use the service, unless you opt-out! We did opt-out one year, but we paid for it two years! That makes me NUTS, considering we're already paying Hector for the work! The City doesn't take anything away for us, ever!!! I was suppose to find the damn opt-out form today, but I hunted twice and didn't see it. So I'll call about it. But I want it done tomorrow, so I don't forget.
My allergies??? AWFUL today! Bad enough with all the seasonal crap everywhere (autumn always kills me). Add Hector's blowers going for more than an hour all around the house, and going in and out over and over and I could hardly stop sneezing...
Finally, Marilyn and I went to a 'Botox Party' tonight. The women attending were SO MUCH FUN!!!
Then I came home and made dinner -- I was starving! Bacon and tomatoe sands.
I need a nap! I should be doing my pills. (sigh) I need to do some laundry. And my contacts are driving me nuts. Oh well. I'm grabbing my cat (Henry) and my Kindle and heading to lie down.
Forgot to mention that cousin Linda woke me calling today. She said she was going to court. I guss I'll find out more later. She needs people to talk to. She's at a very low point in her life. But she's really excited about being back at her church -- the church we all attended as kids and youth. It seems to mean the world to her. She went on and on about the minister and the congregation this morning...
And sister Sue is at a cribbage tournament (she left this morning).
I guess that's everything...