Jul 06, 2005 22:23
So today I was thinking to myself how can some people be so completely out of it that they dont even realize they are hurting someone else, more specifically someone right in front of them. Then the answer "love" comes in(only for this certain situtation atleast). People seem to loose all loyalty and morality when they are in "love" but at our age is "love" really worth alienating all of your friends? A lot of the time two best friends make a pact to never let a member of the oppostie sex come between thier friendship but when it comes down to it there are some people who would rather have a relationship than friends. Then I thought no "love" isn't it. Don't get me wrong can't wait to be in love and have Mr. Perfect sweep me off my feet but so rarely does that happen in High School. Oh well just a thought. Anyone with thoughts on teenage "love" comment please.
Another note. Thanks so much for all of the encouraging words yall worte to me about being nervouse about next year! I feel so much better. I prayed and prayed and like always I found comfort in my Jesus!! beside I know that if things get hard I always have yall to complain to! :-D But I think things are gunna be just fine! And like the all wise and powerful Brian Ngo said( not to sure if thats good for his ego but we'll take a shot) I'm in the sax section! what do I have to worry about! I feel bad for the sections with all the drama but at the same time I'm here for you!!
Well I do require sleep so that I can keep up with Alli tomorrow! see yall later!