Statistical Books are just numbers

Aug 20, 2008 08:10

As posted in Fireberry

On a personal level, I am not a math person. I’ve tried very hard to understand mathematics and I just fail at it miserably. I took pre-calculus 4 times, and I even still have the 4 math books to go with it. Four mathbooks unfortunately, does not mean I am 4 times smart, but instead i’m a fourth times smart. It has never been my strong point and I don’t think it ever will.

Musically, I am ok. Not strong and not weak either. I can play a good number of songs on the guitar, I know my A, B, C, D, E, F, G, chords. I can play a couple songs on the piano, i’ve even taken a class on music. I can beat match records like the best of them, I can identify BPM (beats per minute) on any particular type song by ear. I can’t play songs out of random, or by ear. I can hardly read music, but I can get the jest of it. I’m ok with music.

Now… when it comes to books with statistics in it, I just can’t tune it in. My brain can’t seem to process statistical type of books. However, when I was reading “This is your Brain on Music”, I could tune in the book just fine. I recently finished reading a book called “The Tipping Point”. The book started off and continued to be great. I understood what the author was talking about and what points he was trying to get across. However, there were many parts in the book where he was throwing numbers and statistical values my way. When he did that, I found myself tuning out the book. My brain just didn’t feel like it should have to remember those parts in the message it was trying to convey. I think it’s kind of funny because one of the books I want to read is called ‘Number Crunchers’, a book about statistical values. After finishing ‘The Tipping Point’ and attempting to sludge through the statistical values of it, I find myself wondering if this next book is something I want to attempt to climb through as well. Time will only tell.

On a seperate note, I started reading a book called ‘Snoop’ by Sam Gosling. It’s a book that informs the reader on understanding people just from the items they have, the way they have it arranged, etc. It’s an interesting read so far, but I will talk more about that later.
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