We interrupt this really sucky week for a mandated HAPPY POST.
Got the name change papers today. Gotta fill those out, mail them in, do some other stuff, have a court date.... and everything's set. Mom's even "adjusting," too. Though she'll only call me Charles or CR. Which I don't have a problem with, of course, I'm just amused. And when we were going through the metal detector, the guy operating it must've thought I was 12 or something, he called me "chief." Which I thought was kinda sweet, haha. Like when the guy playing Polonius in Allyson's production of Hamlet called me "son."
Visited Stockton and TCNJ today. Stockton is.... all in one building. It's a huge building, but just one. Needless to say, TCNJ is my top choice..... even if I'm wondering if I'm going to get in at all. Whatever.
Uhhhhhh, oh, I saw Star Trek tonight. It wasn't the greatest ever, but I needed something with action and comedy and it delivered, so yeah. And it was much better than seeing Teeth..... :P
Speaking of comedy, Year One...... cavemen + Romans + Biblical stories = lolwut
Really excited for the summer. Kinda defeats the purpose, but I'm especially excited about visiting
tianar and
shinjokitty and seeing their Shakespeare productions.
Speaking of them, I saw a book the other day by Simon Winchester, and.... man, I don't even watch the show. XD
Tomorrow is the dentist and a visit with the surgeon who put me through the "major, traumatic surgery" I had.