If you like...
having fun
Harry Potter
jumping or yelling
School of Rock
geeks or geeky stuff
being silly
dressing up in funny outfits
They Might Be Giants
being a non-too-cool-for-everything-hipster every once in a while
...then this Thursday you should come and see
Harry and the Potters, Math The Band, and Uncle Monsterface at the Minneapolis stop of the
Unlimited Enthusiasm Tour! It's a "traveling summer camp, circus, and indy rock tour!" Stop rolling your eyes and believe me, it's going to be a ton of fun. The Harrys have come to town the last few summers, playing a crazy standing room only show at the Central Library and a couple of ginormous shows in Minneapolis parks. For some reason that I have yet to ascertain, they're playing at the Triple Rock this year, which seems a bit of an odd venue, but I highly doubt that being inside will dampen the enthusiasm.
Be there.
The Triple RockMinneapolis
Thursday, July 31
5:00pm (yes, it's early, but that means you can party more afterwards if you so desire)
All Ages (kids too!)
$10 advance/$12 at the door