Title: Hush
Genre: Neo-Noir Drama-ish (at least that's the aim)
Characters: Inner Senshi, Shitennou, Serena, Darien, Ace, Beryl
Rating: R (for language and possible sexual situations)
A/N: So this is the very first part of a fic I have been planning since way back. Technically it's not actually ready. There's two or three major plot kinks that I need to work out before I start writing this, but I just had this urge to type out the prologue and post it up (plus it's way overdue since I promised
lovelylytton something from this, like, almost a year ago).
I'm really excited about this one. I probably won't be updating it for a while (I have the Princess Bride Jenfic, Hooligans, a Halloween/Apsara birthday fic and a Firefly/SM fic which take priority ^_^), but I'll get there. For now, here's the first part of what Lytton has lovingly dubbed 'Hookerfic'. Enjoy.
Thunder rumbled overhead, slowly, dimly, almost as if it were making a last ditch effort to be heard above the deafening drumbeat of the heavy rain.
The drops of water fell from the clouds in torrents, fat, full and soaking.
The downpour drowned out everything.
Roads turned into fast-flowing streams, back yards became ponds and people didn’t even bother running through it. There was no point, they were drenched within less than half a minute.
There was just so much of it, it was like standing under a waterfall, the water blinding and blurring his vision but doing nothing to cool the heat of his hate or despair. Tears poured out as heavily as the rain did and added to the already waterlogged soil of the front lawn on which he stood.
His body shook and he could barely hold his arm out, but held it he did. The pain in his chest was too raw for him do otherwise, the pangs in his heart set his nerves onto a knife edge and he wept from a wound that had pierced him to the very depths of his soul. But more than anything, it was his anger which kept his finger on the trigger and the gun pointed at Cairo’s head.
“Darien…” Cairo looked like a demon on earth, too calm, too still to be real. His skin was almost sickly pale and drawn, as if sleep had deserted him and nightmares had taken its place. His white hair lay plastered against his skull, and his deep grey eyes were grim, matching the overcast sky above. He raised his right hand, extending his arm out as if to greet him.
“Don’t…move.” Darien did not try to hide the shake in his voice, he was grieving and he was angry. The gun stood silent and still and ready in his hand. “Don’t you fucking move.”
The rain continued to pound itself into the ground, the childlike sounds of plopping and slopping, pitter-pattering and splashing surrounding them and echoing in Darien’s ears like a mockery of his pain.
Cairo stood deathly still. His hand still outstretched. He did not say a word.
“You killed her!” He yelled, taking a step forward, his outrage springing forth. “It was you! You fucking monster!” His shoulders shook heavily and he had to lower the gun and drop his head as he cried, the pain in his heart was too much to bear. “She loved you…” he felt as if he was being torn apart at the seams “oh God,” he said, “she loved you so much…”
“Darien.” Cairo took a step forward.
At his name the anger took over, winning the inner conflict against his misery, and he lifted the gun again. “Say it!”
Cairo stopped in his tracks. “What?”
“Say it was you!” Darien cocked the gun.
“Don’t do it Darien, think about this.” Jacinto was holding his own weapon, aiming it reluctantly at his target’s head. “Think! This isn’t what you want.”
“You don’t know what I want!”
“Listen to me!” Now Jacinto was yelling too, loud and authoritative. “If you don’t lower your weapon right now I will be forced to shoot, do you understand?!”
He was ignored. He was outside of their world, looking in, helpless and yet the at the same time, he was the reason Darien was hesitating.
“Stop looking at me like that!” Darien screamed at Cairo, desperate to hear the words he sought and dreading them more than anything. “Tell me the truth!”
Jacinto cocked the hammer of his revolver. “Put the God damned gun down!”
Cairo turned and looked at Jacinto. “Don’t!” His extended arm swivelled to face the detective. “Please, don’t shoot.” His said, in an uncharacteristic display of emotion, of vulnerability. His grey eyes shifted to Darien’s dark blue ones. “You want the truth?” He reached slowly, carefully, deliberately towards the inside of his jacket. “Fine.” His voice was steady, unwavering, and betrayed none of his own deep sorrow. “I killed her.” He said, and his eyes looked more tired than they’d ever been. “It was me.”
Both Darien and Jacinto noticed the black gleam of the metal being pulled out and Jacinto fought desperately for control over the situation. “Do not draw your weapon!”
Once again he was ignored.
“Darien, listen to me,” Cairo’s voice was grave as his hand pulled out the gun from its holster slowly and obviously, “I killed her. Her death was my doing. Whether you believe my sincerity or not, you will never know how deeply I feel her loss.”
Darien’s tears took over him again and his arm wavered, lowering just a fraction and then raising up again, his eyes filled finally with nothing but hate, his grief defeated by his anger and his sense of betrayal. His finger tensed on the trigger.
“But please believe me,” Cairo’s gun was now plainly visible as he lifted it slowly, “I am going to kill you, Darien. If you let me raise this gun, then I am going to pull the trigger and I am not going to miss. You’re going to have to kill me first.” He pulled the slide, cocking the hammer. “One.”
“Put your weapons down!” Jacinto switched targets from Darien to Cairo and back, unsure of what to do, of who to aim at, his reluctance to fire on either party adding to his own hesitation and panic. "I said put your fucking weapons down!"
Darien’s heart pounded so hard in his chest that he could hear it in his ears. The world slowed down suddenly and he became aware of everything. The rain’s steady, overcrowded beat, the sound of Jacinto yelling, loud and desperate but unheard, the glint of the cold steel which waited eagerly to be heated, and the chill that reached into his bones.
The guns went off.
A woman screamed.