Drabble/Prompt: When you cheat Everything suffers

Feb 19, 2014 22:56

Main pair: Chen/Kai
Side pair: Chanyeol/Suho

Chen had been working for years, 10 years to be exact. He still remembered when he left the factory, and when he was bought, his owner Suho said he was a great investment, and Chen was also happy to be bought and he still remembers the first pair of pants he ironed. Yes he was an iron and his duty was to iron clothes, and he was happy.

However the most happy thing that ever happened was when he met Kai, Kai was a simple white shirt. He was Chanyeol's, his owner boyfriend, shirt. He was so soft, even after being washed without conditioner, he still remained soft as ever. Chen liked how Kai was so soft that it was hard to iron sometimes. So he had to iron Kai extra-time, and that allowed them to spend more time with each other. He liked specially that Kai seemed to like spending time with him too, even if that meant him being extra hot and a bit sensitive.

The problem started when one day, Kai appeared with a mark, angry red, almost fading. Chen could see the mark so well, and he was angry, because the machine hadn't taken the stain, leaving Kai marked, in the middle of the soft wonderful white. It wasn't as if they were together, but somehow Chen felt as if Kai was his. He was the only one who could mark Kai, and apparently his owner felt the same.

Kai now had two marks, He wasn't happy with any of them, but he thought that if he had to be marked, at least one mark should be of Chen.


suho/chanyeol, omfg, drabble, angst, chen/kai, can someone write this please ttt_ttt, prompt

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