FIC: A Simple Rescue

Jun 01, 2010 20:01

Title: A Simple Rescue
Author: Pendaren aka Hoshi_Reed
Summary: Guess who is coming to the rescue.
Spoilers: Fringe 2x23 Over There Part 2
Category: Wishful thinking
Rating: G
Archive: LJ. If anyone else wants it, go for it, just tell me so I can visit.
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, not even in my wildest dreams; or so the men in the white coats with the cups of colorful pills tell me.
Authors Notes: A little triple drabble cause I just had to have him rescue her.

He glanced around the corner and watched the guard pass on their rounds. He fingered the card in his pocket, adjusted the bag over his shoulder, and waited until the guard moved to the next wing to continue. He had four more minutes before the security cameras would reset; he hoped it would be enough.
It took him a while to piece together the details, but he eventually figured it out. The DOD claimed she had snapped, but something had been nagging him even before he was fed that lie. She had let him drive, something she never did. She didn't even flinch or lecture him when he said he felt obsolete; that conversation should have had her pull a gun on him for spouting something so heretical. Then she had spouted off stuff that had initially confused him, and when he tried to get her to elucidate, she never gave him a chance to listen that night. If she had explained everything, maybe she wouldn't be in this situation; instead, he ended up with a vase broken on his head, and she was in lock-up. This place was where they put people that they erased. Escaping was generally impossible, and you were as good as dead even if you succeeded since you couldn't buy so much as a bottle of water or sandwich without a valid Show Me.
Hopefully, if he succeeded, it wouldn't be a death sentence for this alternate Liv. Something about her eyes had drawn him in when they were in the car. It had prompted him to open up so much and risk everything, then and now.
As soon as the door opened, she turned and stared at him. “Hey, Liv.” He smiled and tossed the bag, which held clothing and weapons, towards her.“Charlie?”

character: charlie francis, fiction

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