Jan 31, 2005 08:59
So, now that my ridiculously busy and overplanned weekend is over, I have time to sit in front of the computer and think. I think I will never ever play in a heroclix tourney unless there is money involved, because all the people at the one Eric played in yesterday scared me. A lot. There was even the rare species of geek, "I'm-40-and-I-live-in-my-parents-basement-and-pretend-my-Queen-Amidala-cutout-is-my-girlfriend-because-I-spend-so-much-time-on-my-hobbies-I-never-found-out-what-a-real-live-woman-looked-like-naked." I had never actually encountered one of those in person before. It was a little nauseating.
I think I really, REALLY like hanging out with Marian, the HST of the Flint LARP. We went out to lunch and spent hours upon hours shopping and I didn't try to kill anyone. She's so cute. More female social interaction may not be a bad idea, as I did have to pause a few times, after I had planted my foot solidly in my esophagus, and think to myself "Stop being an evil cynical bitch! Women are not the enemy! This one is cool! We want her to like us!" I think it's been too long since I had female friends. I don't think I know how to play girly anymore. Ah, well, I have lots of time to pracice.
I think I miss Gin and Rachel. And everyone else in Pittsburgh, for that matter, but Gin and Rachel specifically. It's that whole thirst for female interaction thing, I would imagine. I need someone to hang out with who doesn't have testosterone coursing through their system.
Bah. I think I need a party with alcohol and semi-naked women. That would fix everything.