No, i dont belong to CMU GBLT buyt was thrilled to learn that they had a livejournal group for it. I came across it upon looking at your info. I knew about it for years before. I live just 10 to 15 mins north of Mt Pleasant.
I just asked. It's against university policy to not provide things that are needed by people who ask. ;)
Man, I should ask my sister to help me learn ASL-- I can spell and I know a few signs but that's it. She's an interpreter and she's going to college to be a teach for deaf people. She's a math fanatic, and I think she should be a math teacher or something for them. hehe
Anyways, I'll be able to get back to you for that. Every other week is a regular meeting, this week is a committee meeting. We're going to have a big gay yard sale and a big gay sleepover. :)
Man, I should ask my sister to help me learn ASL-- I can spell and I know a few signs but that's it. She's an interpreter and she's going to college to be a teach for deaf people. She's a math fanatic, and I think she should be a math teacher or something for them. hehe
Anyways, I'll be able to get back to you for that. Every other week is a regular meeting, this week is a committee meeting. We're going to have a big gay yard sale and a big gay sleepover. :)
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