First come I. My name is J-W-TT.
There’s no knowledge but I know it.
I am Master of this college:
What I don’t know isn’t knowledge.
-attributed to Henry Charles Beeching
I am pleased to participate in
the fourth (whoa, already?) National Put Quotes in Your Blog Month (henceforth NPQiYBM), even though every year I intend to save up quotations for February, and every year I forget. Every post this month will have a quotation in it, though, so there.
In totally random news, just because I am so excited about it, I finally took my violin to get its stripped screw replaced, got it back today, and now I have a violin with working tuner pegs for the first time in my adult life. It is so awesome I cannot even tell you. I've only ever had the one full-sized violin, and the violin shop we used to take it to for tune-ups apparently didn't know the right thing to do, or lubricant to use, or something. I was vaguely aware that no one else seemed to have these kinds of problems, but then I kind of thought I was just awful at violin-tuning until the guy at the shop frowned and said, "Wow, this is really bad."
In other totally random news,
ricardienne linked me to the
Vorkosiverse Impromptu Poetry Battle! (The epigram above is satirized in that thread, in case you were wondering why it is here.)
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