My homework for last weekend was reading Legacy. (Next weekend it will be to start looking up all these fabulous book recs I keep getting, yay, thanks!) I... didn't hate it. Probably from the Magic of Low Expectations-- I knew not to expect much, and, well, I wasn't disappointed
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Yeah, I think that was what drove me nuts about Fawn in Beguilement particularly-- she had not undergone anything but normal teenage angst, but I felt like we were being asked to treat that teenage angst with the same gravity that we treat LMB's totally-messed-up-character's angst. And that didn't work for me.
And if anyone thinks any of the Chalion protagonists are 'normal', I'd like to hear about it. :->
Iselle and what's-his-name are not particularly messed up internally (yeah, he did get kidnapped by pirates paid by his brother, but he seems to have bounced back all right, and he did seem to have a loving childhood), but externally they do have this curse thingie and all. On the other hand, they're not really protagonists. Beatriz seems pretty much perfectly normal, though going through some tough times as a teenager/young woman. (And I really want a crossover fic where Beatriz kicks Fawn's butt, because she totally could.) Caz and Ista, on the other hand, have SO much messed-up-ness going on that they pretty much make up for all the rest of them :)
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