pineapple love

Aug 06, 2009 12:46


what ever. enough with the hello-crap.

Yes, I know I promised a nice old Altor Walkthrough, but I haven't finished doing all the translations. ARGH damn chinese. so patience, patience.

August....... this is totally sad. I only have one more month before school starts again... and hey guess what? Like every single kid out there, I haven't finished my homework, and I'm slacking off.  Oh, you know, the usual online-youtubing animes, manga-reading, sketching out of boredom.... y'know.

I kinda forgot.....


I'm working on my drawings and art so feel free to stop by, ANYTIME.


And although I haven't been on this for a SERIOUS long time, I guess you can sip a cuppa coffee on this old blog

Just for some little info on getting a head start with my 'trial otaku life'.

I grew up in a single parent family. Not that its rare or anything. According to my mother, my dad was a good for nothing, poor, gambling, BIG FAT LOSER.(originally wanted to add more crucial adjectives but best to leave it at that). So since then, although I have never really face-to face met him, I have developed a ruthless hatred for him and just his trio of a family.

the fact that my other relatives from 'his' side are....well... better.... more honest..... ?

That was stuck in my head for quite a long time.

Until around two weeks ago, I was finally able to meet three of them. I didn't want to go originally, for god's sake of any stupid relations about to be born. As If I wasn't already over-whelmed with my own family relations... (more than twenty different cousins to remember, aunts and uncles and DISTANT relations excluded, yes I know a chinese family is annoying)  So yeah.... I didn't exactly want to meet anyone.

BUT. Always a but. :)  of course curiosity overcomes me. and I just go anyways.

I'll continue this a bit later. my page can't hold too many words....



P.S. PINEAPPLE LOVE!!!!!!  it was so weird... I went shopping in the Supermarket with my mum last night and I just came across this stall selling full unsliced pineapples. I just started squealing and asked my mum if I can have a pineapple. She said I was strangely excited. So I just said 'IT'S MUKURO!!!! I WANT TO BE POSESSED BY HIM!!!!! PINEAPPLE LOVE!!!!!"  XD


pineapple~, single family, pineapple love, mukuro

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