Nov 13, 2004 11:40
Well just produced my own music vid to the song On the Inside By linkin Park And it is A final Fantasy vid too..... Tis My favarit :D Boobles.
Best one i done but it looks pretty lame if you ask me i could improve loads on that editing thingy....... :D
Well Wot can i say bout weds nite it was the Tops and Fookin Shooting Victor Francis awwwww the music was awesome so fookin Rad.....
Well i'll start to edit the rest of my vid and get cuddlys of Egan...............
Matt and Paddy's show thingy last nite was ace it was sooooo funny I like love Peter Kay and wot was with the sailor outfits my god dint they look Gay....teeehehehehehehe
Well was up till 1 this mornin producing my Vid......Sooo i'm now rather tired....
Well tis bout time i did my vid so laterzzzzzz :D