Long time no see...

Apr 19, 2011 15:15

Hello LJ! I haven't forgotten about you. It's just tumblr and that Tom Hardy dude taking up all my time... I'm completely out of touch with everything else going on in fandom, since I'm still completely in love with Arthur & Eames and I'm not ready to move on at all. Still some lovely stories being produced too! :)

Anyway, I'm here to talk about television.

I think it's interesting how I watch so very few full-length shows at the moment, it's all about the mini-series or the UK-standard 8-10 part shows now. HBO & Showtime do such excellent shows, and they don't need to be longer than that. It's hard for the networks to compete with that level of quality. And the British shows are often excellent too, and quite suffient when they're just about 8 episodes long.
The only full-season shows I care about right now are Supernatural & The Good Wife. And good lord do I love The Good Wife, it's so completely engrossing. I've said it before, but I think it's all about the characters; they are complex and do stupid thing. Will is selfish and ambitious and still very likeable, same with Calinda. But my favourite of all is Eli Gould. Alan Cumming is so utterly brillant in that part. Seriously. Why are all British actors so DAMN GOOD?! He's ruthless yet vulnerable, sarcastic and sweet. And I love how he's getting more and more screen time too. ♥

Currently, Last Chance to See with Stephen Fry is aired on Swedish TV. I watched the third episode yesterday, when they're on Madagascar looking at lemurs. It's such a fantastic show. Stephen Fry is probably one of the most sympathetic people ever. I've always loved him.
Just look at this video of the tiny little mouse lemur being let out into the wild again. It's probably the most precious thing I've ever seen.

This entry was originally posted at http://charlidos.dreamwidth.org/543662.html. Comments:

tv, stephen fry

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