Man, this volcano in Iceland is really fascinating. And I can say that because I'm not personally affected by its consequences... (I was just at a conference, with participants coming from very far north in Sweden, and no way to get home, not as 'fascinating' for them, I imagine.)
Most (probably all, soon) air traffic in most of Northern Europe is currently closed, because of the massive ash clouds coming from the volcano. And it's not like Iceland is right next door, either. Who knew *ash* could have such enormous effects on society? A Swedish expert on all things seismic etc says that this spewing of ash could go on for MONTHS! And that this volcano, the last time it erupted in 1821, went on for a year... Good lord! Here's hoping the winds will change very soon. Or that something will help it thin out, or something.
The wonders of nature, eh? It's eternally fascinating to realise what kind of power house we're sitting on, all that activity going on inside this planet.
Maybe THIS is the real apocalypse? The one NOT started by Sam & Dean.
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