One of my favourite things about the Jensen & Jared dynamic, is when Jensen gets that look of, what I like to call, 'fond exasperation'. You know, when Jared messes things up, farts, giggles and is being a general gigantic spaz, and Jensen just looks at him and shakes his head. Or, even better, tries to help him out, somehow. Recently, there have been a couple of such moments, that I treasure. One being from last week's convention in Vancouver and the J2 breakfast panel, when Jared maybe isn't quite awake and makes a mess of his coffee cup with his gum... It's hilarious! The best thing about it, is the way Jensen looks at him then and the way he tries to help out when Jared can't. It's utterly adorable. The second moment is from the latest gag reel, when Jared messes up a scene in an elevator and Jensen just laughs and gives him instructions. This one belongs in the same category as one of
my favourite scenes from a gag reel (and can you believe that it took until someone recently commented on that video and pointed out that a guy in the background says 'You guys are complete idiots!" that I even heard that? I've watched that scene a LOT...). It's that dynamic between them that is terribly sweet. So, to prove my point, I cut these two things together into a little video (panel video is courtesy of
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Adorable, no? ♥ ♥ ♥
Also, seems Joe was at yet another con! I haven't had time to read anything about it (other than that he said he'd have news about a new project very soon. YAY!). And as we know, Joe is not JUST a pretty face, he's also a big nerd. Which I think this pic proves (from