Again, being on vacation means I only have time for a shorter, capped review, but still with a very
(mc)sheppy focus. (This also means I have no time to read anyone else's review. And I never read what others have to say until I've said my piece...)
Ronon looks rather strange with those fake dreads. Why can't Ronon have cut his hair too? This hair looks very dark and he looks very goth and leathery.
More importantly, I always love the way John keeps looking at Rodney for support in every discussion. His eyes keep drifting over there, like it's comforting. Of course, at this point, the team is all about the two of them, with Ronon kidnapped and Teyla having doubts. The fabulous two-man team! Who needs anyone else? *g*
And again, John looks for Rodney to give him guidance, when John, like a little school boy, needs to ask permission.
I wonder when this'll get old (actually, no pun was intended. Really!):
Wow, has the Atlantean food supplies improved over the years. Now there's an abundance of fresh fruit, even. Do they throw them through the gate when they're dialing Earth, or what? Or are they growing grapes on some planet there?
I'm completely in love with John's very, very sceptical look as Rodney gives details about his relaxing techniques...
Rodney tries valiantly to make John interested.
And it's very, very interesting to see which direction John's mind takes. "I'm not taking a bath with you." Hahaha! Gosh, who ever said they were bathing together? His subconscious is very revealing.
This is what John looks like when he doesn't know what to say. And AGAIN, he looks to Rodney for support. Sweet.
John's off to be tortured, with a little friendly touch on Rodney's shoulder. To comfort them both, perhaps?
While John's worried about Ronon, Rodney seems more preoccupied by how John's doing.
Rodney's being his most adorable self, telling old stories only fit for unconscious ears. And the first word out of Ronon's mouth, is Sheppard. Interesting.
But my favourite part of this episode is this: John's drinking bad coffee. Ha! (I imagine this is Joe, just being a little silly in a scene where he had nothing to say for a few minutes.) Hilarious!
Rodney, getting brilliant ideas from a foam bath... ♥