I haven't had time to watch SPN nor SGA yet, but I will today. So, commentary and stuff coming later (for you two people who care). Meanwhile, a few things:
ETA: Oh god, would you
look at this! Jared obviously just NEEDS to grope Jensen if he's in close proximity. Wheee! Also, it seems that Jensen
can't keep his hands off of Jared (in particular his face) either.
Why didn't anyone tell me that Sandy McCoy is the girl in Pop? Good lord! I really didn't have a clue. That's almost a little creepy. The world of entertainment is truly incestuous (and not in the good Sam & Dean way, either). Still, rather amusing.
Speaking of Jared,
this interview with the guy is very adorable. Is he really this self-effacing?
I hate to watch myself, I think I’m gross and disgusting
Aww. Darling. You're not. You're really not.
Also, I can't enough of him talking about Jensen:
Even though he’s built a career out of interpreting the numinous, he is decidedly and determinedly your average Joe. “Calling me normal is the biggest compliment you can give me,” he says. “I grew up in Texas, and I think they’d probably kick my butt if I got too big-headed. I have my prissy boy, Hollywood moments, but [Supernatural co-star Jensen Ackles] is also from Texas, and being around each other keeps us both in check. Every now and then we’ll be like, ‘Dude, you’re Hollywooding out.’ It’s a big blessing.”
He's a sweetie.
Now, a few recs. First a fabulous J2 college AU by
To the Beat of Our Noisy Hearts.
It's one of those stories I found absolutely impossible to stop reading. Probably because of the fanastic pining. But also because it's charming and sweet. Just lovely.
Then a Sam/Dean story, by
There's a Devil in a Looking Glass.
A truly intriguing and well-buildt MOW type story, where the plot also has bearing on Sam & Dean. It's not unusual when a story has a really good plot, it's told seperately from the slash story. I much prefer it when they're interwoven, as they are here. Thrilling and with a nicely confused and pining Sam who's keeping secrets from Dean. As Dean is keeping secrets from Sam.
Another terrific story is
Who Here Would Choose (To Walk in Those Shoes) by
Sam gets a gift he doesn't really want. And he's pained, and is pining (I've told you, I've got SUCH a thing for pining). And I love it when Sam just won't stop trying to save Dean from hell. It's beautiful.
To end, I'm still thoroughly amused by pictures of young!Jensen.
His looks ranges from frightening hair do's with a strange reddish tone and very, very flat on top...
...to looking like a rather scary model, with insane cheek bones and piercing eyes (and still a horrible hair cut).
And then he goes back to looking like a too pretty twink, picking up guys on the side walk. A look we're more accustomed to.
But then he all of sudden looks like handsome, very young, budding star, about to join a crappy tv show.
Jensen was never happier, though, when he got to wear the pants that melt into any wall: the Chameleon pants! Wow, are they scary or what? They're even worse in this shot than in the other one I'd seen. They even seem to have coloured his hair in a brick tint. It's hard to tell where Jensen stops and the wall starts.
Back to looking seriously, seriously scary. Who IS this?
I can't believe that above and this below even is the same guy. This one is adorable, though. I think I prefer this pretty, twinky, freckled Jensen.
But I do much prefer him in his current state. See icon.