
May 12, 2007 22:10

I do realise that I havent posted in a while. But yeah, schools hard, ballet exams are hard ... what do you expect?



Yes, as you can tell, i miss my gymnastics. I love ballet, yes, but its just not the same. its not the same rush, no where near. I thought that maybe if I worked hard enough at ballet, I would block the pain of gym, but noooooo. Grrr. I was so dumb. So completely and utterly stupid. y ankle hurt, so bad I crashed into the vauling horse and made a fool out of myslef. Warning sign?? Yes. Ignored it?? Even bigger yes. Stupid?? YES! What do I do? I tape it and get back out there. Bars come, I can barely push off the spring board. I wonder why? BECAUSE MY BODY'S TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING, THATS WHY! Beam comes, my ankles are shaking so badly that I lose my balance and almost fall. Big deal, they've hurt before this, why should I wimp out now? Why not just push through it? Jeeze I was dumb. Its all my fault, of corse. I should have listened. I should have seen the warning signs. But nooo, floor comes, last of corse. Yay for exhaustion. But I did it all well in the warm up, now I just have to work on perfection. Split leaps, good. Turns, pfft, they're always bad. Now, round offs. Nice hurdle, kick off the floor. then, BANG. Two MASSIVE cracks that my friends mum said she heard from the back row of the staduim, and Im back on the floor. Crying, looking around for help. "Oh great work Laura" I think "Both ankles broken, thats a nice way to spend life in a wheelchair". I was crying out of fear rather than pain. I was scared, terrified that I would lose gymnastics forever. With good reason, too. I did, didint I? Now all I have is that stupid ankle, and the fear of breakig it angain. Oh, and the arthritis. Lots and lots of arthritis. My ankles both sound and feel like cement mixers.

Oh the joy.

Yeah. And thats my rant.

*End rant*
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