Made cute rank #1 for the first time, Thanks for all the suteki and comments before and after I made the rank. I was pretty ecstatic about making #1 and can finally chill. I wanted to make #1 at least once. So now I can cut back on doing CC's. I figured I'll only do them frequently only when there is an ongoing event. And this just proves you don't need thousands of friends to make rank, frankly I think too many friends is too much hassle cause I wouldn't be able to see everyone's items.
So aside from getting #1 this post is pretty epic since the perks of being #1 is fucking great, the exposure is simply a ribbon and suteki gold mine and since this is my journal of course I'll gloat and be as obnoxious as I want. So many good things happened to me for some reason, I was also able to sell alot of my shit items quickly.
Yesterday Ken Items also came out which was freaken neat since everything was super cheap, which is surprising since everything is usually so expensive in the shops. But I guess I really can't be surprised considering it was april fools. I did buy everything, cause it was cheap and the LULZ it comes with.
Finally the anticipated april fools ribbons came out in the shell spring, upload, and piyo game. Since I'm refusing to upload alot til kath has a "up to 30 ribbon" upload campaign and I suck majorly in the piyo game, I was relaying in my 80 shells. Now I saw people throwing in up to 200 and not get anything, but I had amazing luck! I got the red bow and an orange silver buckle hat, actually I'm quite pleased with my haul.
In non-poupee news, I'm finally finished with my doctor appointments and now it's 1 more appointment on the 16th and hopefully I'll get my ball rolling by may again. I'm having a pretty relaxing spring break and I'm itching to buy some new things. Over the weeks end I picked up two new rose necklaces that will be uploaded soon enough, actually I have tons to upload but like I said, I'm just waiting. The Boyfriend also came to see me yesterday, he went to Vegas for the weekend and he comes back with a new Coach bag for me<3 Seriously boyfriend face is the best. He took our little princess dog for the weekend and I miss her already. Another random note, although my nephew knows how to put on his shoes, the somehow always end up on the wrong feet hahaha. Pics of my new items when I find my camera cable =/
With all the April Fools jokes going around I was really upset when I thought my favorite manga site was going down. But I remembered it was april fools and understood it was a joke that I totally believed. Haha how gullible of me but seriously I'm relieved. I need me some good manga's when I'm bored.