Have been spending time with
drlongscarf. I must say it's been quite refreshing to get away for a bit. Four also seems very keen a being photographed a lot, so it's been nice to get back in to my dear old hobby. And in one of the pubs we visited I could have sworn I saw Fitz passed out in a corner, but Four insisted on pulling in for a dance to his fave jukebox tune before I could investigate.
Though I must admit that I still get a little depressed at night. I can't help but feel lonely. And I miss
eightpointone so much. I think I may love him more than I initially realised. Even more maybe than the Doctor himself. I really want to stop feeling this way.
Either way, when I do go back I will be a more level-headed person who can deal with these problems more like an adult. *nods* I just hope that being around tham again won't revert me to emotional mess all over again