Nov 15, 2006 22:48
The big ideas come to me while sleeping or driving. All other times, there isn't time to think. Outside of professional multi-tasking, financial planning, and surviving, there isn't much left.
I remember talking to someone in my early twenties about traveling abroad to teach. She said 'Do it. Do it now before you don't have time to even think about it.'
She told me the older you get, the more things you have to fit in your head. You have less time to think, and more items to sort, file, address, stamp, label.
I feel a bit like a freeze dried version of myself. I know I have all the right things in place. I recognize that to continue on this path is to be safe and secure but plain and ordinary. Maybe that's just the way it is.
Maybe that's why so many fucking assholes drive too fast in their minivans, bud in line and steal antifreeze at the gas station. It's the only adventure they have left.