Jun 23, 2003 01:00
i'm so gawddamn ill it isn't funny. i feel like i'm gonna pass out. i have about 10 mosquito bites (WEST NILE!!) and.. well, you don't need to know. i just feel like shit. it's so fuckin hot everywhere. i can't stand the weather.
i swear i'm addicted to pills. seriously.
at least school's almost out. it wouldn't matter to me anyways if it weren't, though.
get me away from here i'm dying... hahaha. the funny thing is i don't know whether or not i'm joking.
picnic was fun. it was so funny riding around in the shopping cart with jeremy pushing me. hahah, just thinking about it makes me chuckle. and that kid-- francois as i titled him, what a daring fellow.
ugh. i wish i was dead. i feel so ill in a bad way.