swell! same update as in myspace.if you've already read it.

Apr 23, 2007 00:36

at some random time this morning my *swell* friends chimmed in and called me, way to hungover, and reminded me of the prior nights interest in obtaining some of the RICE BOWL varitey of foods. so we rode out, filled ourselves over wonder chits and chats and headed back. mmm...swell! then eddieof the rage variety and i picked up the pup and headed to the ol' hole in the ground for some rest and relaxation. red stripes ahoy! calm afternoon, sunshiney, fucking cold water and more CHITS AND CHATS! ohh!!SWELL!! wren tried to kill a few passerbys and did some swimming as well. we saw a huge turkey vulture (whic i love) with a wing span easily 5 or six feet. we also saw the remains of some type of hog/boar/pig thing. that was kinda fucking gross, but there was no smell... hunh? home where chef edgeuardo cooked the remains of lunch with some other goodies into LEFTOVER BURRITOS of the fucking awesome variety. along with some PRESIDENTE. then a short nap. the off to watch the fucking worst move ever in the world. had an ice cream break and a pin ball tournament of the I fucking lost variety.. then ... untill we actually laughed our self into fits on the ride home (making fun of the stupid horrble fucking movie.) i was actually pissed that i payed for the fucking movie in the first place. once again, a favortie saying of mine...."if you dont expect anything.. its hard to get let down." well i kinda *hoped* for some thing more than that but. effit. now, im trying to decide wheather to try and hang tonite or go to sleep. I have work at seven am. but im not fucking tired. i think i hit waffle house and read some dune. nite!
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