May 12, 2005 03:57
As fun as it was kickin' back and catchin' up on old awkward times with Wes, I had to take off. Made sure Cordelia was doin' okay, cause if I felt like I still knew any of 'em it was her. She'd been too busy bein' in a coma to make any decisions about takin' over the evil law firm. Besides, back in the day she followed me all around the whole damn city tryin' to protect my ass from some badass demon. Cheerleader protectin' me? Man, I used to think that was whack but Cordelia had a pair on her for real. Said she was savin' me from myself, and lookin' back now? She probably had. Wasn't that long ago when I thought Wes, Fred and Angel were my friends too. Things had changed since they took that deal. If tonight wasn't makin' me glad I turned that shit down then I didn't know what would.
Somehow, according to Wes, Angel's badass evil twin got loose. But Angel didn't lose his soul, they somehow seperated them even though Wes hadn't actually seen the two of 'em together or nothin'. Was I the only one goin' something ain't right with that situation? Wes was scary smart sometimes but other times he was mad oblivious. Wanted to trust him, but since his best back up was Spike. Spike as in William the Bloody, I wasn't gonna count my chickens or however that expression went.
I figured this wasn't really my problem anymore. 'Cept I was makin' it my problem for a whole mess of reasons. One was wantin' to put the serious hurt on whatever had hurt Cordelia. If Wes was right then we had one slayer turned vamp in my neighborhood. No way was I gonna stand for that, but at the same time? I remembered how damn strong Angel and Angelus were. Slayer turned vamp? I was thinkin' that was gonna be one serious bitch to smackdown. Remembered Faith's moves from when Wes busted her out the clink to kick Angelus' ass. Pretty tight. Hated to think what she was like paired up with that crazy motherfucker instead of facin' off against him. Still, something's gotta be done and who else is gonna do it? This was my city, I was the one actually out on the streets tryin' to keep 'em safe. Didn't matter how many vamps I dusted, none of 'em ever brought Alanna back. But I could keep tryin' to make it up to her. Besides, what I did felt honest. Wondered how Wes, Fred and Angel felt after a day of workin' at Wolfram and Hart.
Knew it was time to the bottom of all this myself. Called Terrel and told him I was gonna be gone for the rest of the night, maybe longer. He got everything under control and unlike some of the other people I'd worked with, I trusted him. We were runnin' a clean operation, doin' the nitty gritty work that no one else wanted to do. Didn't wear a three-piece suit to work but I knew we were doin' good things.
Walkin' in through the main lobby of Wolfram and Hart some little blond Barbie secretary tried to stop me. Tellin' me I needed an appointment. Sorry, ain't got time for that noise. Flippin' her off I busted through the doors of the CEO office to see Angel standin' in his office with...Lindsey. Thought that guy headed for the hills after Angel sawed off his hand. Tryin' to find himself or some shit. Now he was back? Oh, I saw how it was. These were the kinda guys that Angel did business with now. This was exactly why I'd signed off on this deal. I'd seen Angel slip before but this was a whole new low. Damn. Good thing I quit before he could fire me again.
"Yo." I said, closin' the door behind me as I crossed my arms over my chest and looked back and forth between the two of 'em. "I leave you guys alone for a couple months and this is the guy you start doin' business with?"