Dec 04, 2008 11:57
So I tried to make another sandwich on Saturday, things were promising. I even bought an avocado. I had to clean all the dishes first, which was easy enough, but then i decided to cook an egg. A nice, runny egg sounded great to me, the kind that might require more egg expertise than I have. There were no spatulas where I was (where was I?) so I had no choice in what happened to that egg. I was at the mercy of the pan, which fried the shit out of that egg. I cut up some avocado, onion and tomato that I bought from whole foods. Whenever I go out, I run into (hide from) John Betts. This was no exception, but he didn't have a trash can with him this time. After my egg fried itself, i dumped it onto the bread with my veggies, spinach and Swiss Cheese. YUM-YUM.
3/4ths of the way through my "meal" I smelled something. Then I tasted something. The whole time, I had been eating dish soap. It had soaked through both sides of the bread.