Jan 01, 2005 10:18
It is another year, another slate, another chance to change everything and another chance to make the same mistakes.
I was driving home last night when some guy pulled out into the middle lane that I was in on NFB...It seems strange that he didn't just go into the right hand lane but I was lucky enough to swerve around him and control the car back into the middle lane without crashing. THen he went into the RH lane and tried to overtake me....then this happened...I kept him level with myself matching his pace....as we approached the 290 E entry it was clear that he didn't want to go up there....but I kept beside him and gave him absolutley no choice...He looked most upset as he entered the freeway..This whole incident is messed up. I'm sure Samyaza would have revelled in this action, I was a little removed from it to be honest.
It seems strange that when humans get into cars they act in the most unsociable manner; we do things we wouldn't dream of outside of the car. We do not give people in the supermarket the middle finger if they get in front of us..we do not have horns on our shopping carts.
So, not much changed in my life this year, although I didn't really make any resolutions; not that I ever have before but I feel that I try hard as possible to be all that I can the whole year. I know that I make mistakes with situations and people but that's ok, I just do my best. I did have one thought but It's a little silly, I feel I have been so busy this year that I have had no life of any kind, I guess that makes me a little sad, I wish I didn't feel so trapped right now.
I imagine things will be no different at UB this year, same classes, same confusion and same shite. I do not think that I will make many friends there and probably will just keep my head down and get through this year again.
I need some fun......you know that's what I miss the most,fun,fun,fun. Fucking hell I had the best friends in the world and we laughed all the time and did crazy socially unaceptable things all the time. I think being in Victorian England has dragged me down a little...I don't know what it is...something is missing and maybe this year I will try and find it.
In August and everything after
I'm after everything.