for evil to triumph, is that good men and women do nothing. (Edmund Burke)
When good men do nothing, they get nothing good done. To be good, one must do good. The Lord commands his people to do good (Luke 6:35) fingerprints of all Roma, including children, was needed to "prevent begging" and, if necessary, remove the children from their parents.
highest appeal court ruled that it was acceptable to discriminate against Roma on the grounds that "all Gypsies were thieves"
orgy of racist violence against Roma camps by thugs wielding iron bars, who torched caravans and drove Gypsies from their slum homes in dozens of assaults: "That is what happens when Gypsies steal babies," shrugged Maroni; The people do what the political class isn't able to do."
Last time I was in Prague, I read an article during the plane ride in. A Roma woman had sued all the way up to the UN for the sake of her son. Seems he had been placed in the "special" classes at school, for the slow learners, although strangely, he had held top marks for the school before that. But alas, he marked "Roma" on the ethnicity slot. Since everyone knows gypsies are dumb and can't learn, they get put in the special classes where they aren't taught anything, cause gypsies don't know anything, and so on in a beautiful little closed circle. Jim Crow would be proud.
Then when I landed, I was quickly taught to be prejudiced: watch out for the Roma, careful in the crowds, especially if there's roma about, when the Roma move in things start disappearing. Ah well, none of them are going to be the next Mozart, anyway.
So fuck em; hispanics, arabs, muslems of all sort, catholics, ... leeches on real society evey one, and frankly, just not our sort of people.