Oct 03, 2006 14:04
who knows
im very indecisive at the moment.
i think im just content with life right now. Not exactly happy. Not upset. Just living.
I think i need counseling. Someone to have a complete and unbiased opinion about everything to tell things to.
enough weird stuff.
I went home from wednesday til friday and saw some people i missed alot. Was home for a wedding. It was nice. Im realizing how not close i am with my extended family.
had a meet saturday. im really disappointed in myself and my running. im running longer and more than i did last year but im doing worse. its all mental at this point i think. im used to being at the back of the pack because i came into teh season being out of shape and now im just staying there and not moving up at all.
i think i need a new season for a new mentality
classes...doing bad...have my first tests this week....im nervous
but i guess thats it.
later days.