I would already have right under my arm.
I've used up all of my tricks.
I hope that you like this,
but you probably won't,
you think you're cooler than me.
Oh the lethargy of this perpetual season. At least for me. I know there are the whole lot of you living it up, vacationing, working and whatnot before the start of a new and strange journey that is college. But not me. Mo ma'am. I would be out and working...had I a car. I would be on vacation...had I a good leg. Apparently my leg (that's pretty much healed save some occasional cramping) prevents me from having fun and going to Toronto like was originally planned. Oh the irony: I basically traded in Winter Park for Ontario, boo hoo. Ah well.
The World Cup has been keeping me occupied. Nothing like the satisfying feeling of hearing the Telemundo commentator scream "GOOOOOOOOOL!" for 5 minutes. The day before yesterday,
dzabdi88, Munib, Birna, Tasneem and I went to go watch the Ghana v. US game at a sports pub. Fillmore's in Plano was completely filled so we settled at BJ's. I was torn between the two teams--the US is my country, yet Ghana was the only qualifying African nation to make it to the Round of 16. The bar was really exciting, it was fun to cheer or sigh in disappointment (more sighing than cheering). Alas, Ghana won, and I can't help but feel horrible for the US team who worked hard to make it this far, but Ghana deserved to win. And I couldn't feel but a sense of happiness as they rejoiced with shouts of "Africa Africa!" I hope they go far in the first World Cup to be held on their continent's soil.
The group wanted to start up RO again. We were looking through ratemyserver trying to find some suitable servers to play on. Once I downloaded all the installation files and patches, I learned that my computer is still PMSing. Something about the video card (or display adapter) not working. All I know is that I can't play anything with "graphics," like Sims or RO. Nope, just Runescape. >> So I fired up the old Final Fantasy VII for PC on the computer (w/o internet) in my room.
Finally, I could save the game! Short story: Back when we got our PS2 in 2002, my dad didn't buy us any games initially, telling us that we did have one game already. It turned out that game was Final Fantasy VII for PSX. I still to this day cannot tell you where that game came from--it literally appreaed in the house one day. Anyways, since we had no idea games required memory cards (we were Nintendo kids), or that this particular game required a PSX memory card, we spent the summer playing the game, restarting, playing the game, restarting, etc. Same for Kingdom Hearts (my first PS2 game) actually. I've literally memorized the beginnings of those two games. And the sad part is--we never got tired of doing it! Haha...anyways, it feels good to get out of Midgar and to soft reset. :)
Oh my gawd, I'm bored.