Bringing it back.

Jan 06, 2010 18:04

So as a promise to sumquodsum, I will try and update this livejournal frequently now. I think I'll put my xanga to rest... It's been a long run, but xanga has virtually no users left. I may post there once every so often, but livejournal is officially filling its place in my bookmarks. Joy!

It's funny: my first ever livejournal was created many years ago under the username fallbeauty04. Hah, that used to be my username for everything. Wow, with a grand total of two posts and a 2 year interval between them, I've got to say, I really didn't understand the power of this blogging site back then. The communities here are so strong and the layout and administrators are simply unparalleled. I can't wait to start. :]

Happy Year 2010 <3

I don't want to mention last semester. Let's pretend it didn't happen. Let's pretend those C's were simply clerical errors of which I did not correct. One more semester left of my high school career; I have to begin fresh with a new palette. I will not allow the facts of the past color my vision towards the future. Just one more. I'd rather not send my final transcript to Northwestern, for fear of their reaction. Not that they'll revoke the scholarship for multiple B semester averages. No.

After this post, it's all about Gilbert, Mishima, and isothermal processes.

On another note, I finally thought Monsieur Avognon was going to get to business today, it being the first class of the semester and all. He started off promising, speaking in complete French, and he even asked me a question that I responded in French (mind you, he asked me the date, but still). And then it happened: he said a word he thought we all should know. Des polycopiés. Oh geez. Although we clearly already held the particular discussion outlining the acute subtleties between des polycopiés and des photocopies, of which Avognon was aware, we still had a 5 minute discussion on those two words and he still made us "write it down." We even constructed this worthless sentence:

"Une photocopie ne peut pas être à seule considérée comme un polycopié; cependant plusieurs photocopies équivalent à un polycopié."


God, if he says "write it down" one more time, of which he undoubtedly will. Y'know, I've actually wanted to refer to that French spiral of mine for something he taught us once, but I couldn't find it. I spent 10 minutes looking. And of course I couldn't find it, because naturally our notes are jumbled with the haphazard, random vocabulary of Avognon's unfathomable mind. It astounds me how he thinks he can operate a class. Because, frankly, he cannot.

You know what that French class is? Futile. And I beleive that's French.

new year, school, avognon, livejournal, french, gilbert

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