<--- [my hair looks cool.. lol!! looks like fire or something.. lmfao.. i'm a loser! hahahha] hey hey hey!! i just got.. off the phone with my buddy gerri! =) .... and we had a pretty interesting.. conversation.. lol! ... anywhoo.. i'm sooooooooooo tired.. ahhhhh i cleaned my room all day! lol... yes it was that diiirty! lol.... i was suppose to go to the movies.. with john and eddy.. but nooooooooooooo PEOPLE wanted to FLAKE!.. ahhh he prolly went to his ex-girlfriends.. party anyway.. argh! dumb jerk! ... confusing whore! lol..... alright i'm done being mad.. lol. well i'm not done.. but it's okay.. lol.. hopefully tomorrow.. imma be doing something.. or maybe monday!? hmmmmmmm... we'll see.... well yeah.... gerri made me wanna watch.. COACH CARTER even more.. with .. channing tatum!?.. something like that.. he's a cutie! lol.... but that's her man! so people.. BACK OFF! ahhaha well here are some pictures of my room! lol.....
this is .. my cork board thing.. lol.. lots of pictures.. not done with it yet though.. it's huge.. but i just got that part!
this is my bed.. lmfao! lol... it's sooo small.. hahahah and PINK! lol.... i luuh pink.. but i don't wear it! lol...... cute huh!?.. i need to to some remodlin' though.. lol.