The most disturbing thing has happened to my boobs. Its like god is kicking me in the face. I come to the slow realization that indeed my bra may have lost some of its charm in the last month so, as in i blew that shit out. So onward i go to a maternity store thinking that the other women's with inflated boobs could help a sister out. The bra lady measures me and say " looks like your an e cup and grabs me like 14 bras. As i sadly trotted in the the dressing room and began to try them on the most awful thing happened. the E's were too small ( thats when god kicked me in the face) and i had to tell the nice lady this who came back with only one bra the only F cup they had, then she quickly informed me i would have to start buying them off the internet. really though a 36 f, what the fuck. Also i have become much fatter than perviously and at an alarming speed.