Feb 27, 2006 20:59
I'm in one of those moods (warning ya).
Got some good news for once. I got an interview at the Odeon tommorrow. I finally need to fill that void that Littlewoods took up *sheds a tear* although I will welcome the extra income. I was noticing my saturday job wages were being stretched to infinity and beyond. Saying that it's still early days, i haven't even got the job yet...
Got a lot of school work for the next few weeks. I really ought to begin the synoptic essay thingy for our biology coursework...I know I've had a week to do it and all...hmm. Also I have Simpson on my back for my english coursework. Although she did apologise to me over and over saying that she knew it wasn't my fault that I'd had to change my hypothesis at the last minute, so at least I know she still doesn't see me as the lazy lump I actually am. She always sees the good in me, hmm.
I was chatting to a teacher today and we came across the theory that things dont just drop into your lap. I mean opportunities don't just dance around in front of you, you gotta go looking for them. It kinda got me thinking though. We all live such a sugar coated life...bubble wrapped you could say especially Wirral girls. I was thinking about this when the same teacher told me that only 3 out of 150 people went to uni from his school year. Well it's like reversed here, only about 3 in 150 dont go to uni and it's not like we're forced to go either, it's sort of just what we do. It's the next natural step for us and we dont complain because we actually want to go. Gah and there are those of us who thought we were being individual by going to uni...plus uni isn't what it used to be, these days everyone has a degree and a degree doesn't become special unless you make it special by getting it from a really good uni or doing really well with it...
It's almost like those people breaking the mould and not going to uni are the ones grasping life and attempting to live it to the full, because what can a degree do for you hey? Get you a good job? Well you're sure on your way to becoming the astronaut you always dreamt of being by sitting behind that desk marking tests...you know what i mean don't you, life isn't all about trying to put yourself in the right place to attempt to get something that will just do for the time being. We all need a goal and aim and you'll achieve it no matter what even if you have to give up everything. BREAK FREE! Lmao!
*sigh* Just some of my thoughts for the day. I know they seem all jumbled, but that is me in a nutshell pretty darn crazy.
Those of you who know me personally...you'll be terified to know that this is the stuff that runs through my head daily. I'm a pretty motivated person most of the time although I'm sure it's not always good energy that I have. It probably explains why I can get annoyed at people who make a big deal of tiny things...I think to big to be bothered by things like that.