Take off every 'zig' !! For great justice

Dec 17, 2009 10:09

Well... Today's the day I leave on my flight. I've got about an hour and a half before my cab arrives to take me to the airport. I'm packed and ready, and have my boarding passes printed, just need to have some breakfast, really. Though, naturally, I'm worried I'll forget something important. But, I can't think of anything, so if I did, we'll burn that bridge when we get to it. =P Anyway, regardless of packing worries, I'm still fairly anxious. Though not as much as yesterday. I'll just be relieved to get home. In better news, though, I'll have an hour break between landing in Chicago and boarding for Boston. I may actually be able to get some dinner. YAAAY. Wouldn't it be funny if my flight docked at the gate right in front of the McDonalds again. haha.

My toothache issues have noticibly improved since my visit to the dentist. I feel MUCH better. There is one issue however... I seem to have developed some sort of blister on the roof of my mouth, near the tooth that had work done. I first noticed it yesterday morning, but it was small and merely left me wondering if I had burned the roof of my mouth on something without noticing. However, by last night it's grown into a noticible bubble. Unfortunately, I don't exactly have the time to deal with it. It's vaguely uncomfortable, like when you get something stuck to the roof of your mouth and just CAN'T seem to get it off, but is otherwise not painful if I don't start poking and prodding it. Since there's no time to do anything, I guess we'll see what happens over the next few days. If it doesn't go away on it's own, I guess I'll see about going to my old dentist back home. I certainly wouldn't want to spend a month with an unknown blister bugging me. With my luck, it'd be full of infection and cause me greater problems down the road.

And now that I've filled my own head with the thought of infected blisters in my mouth and nearly put myself off the idea of breakfast, I suppose I should go make something to eat.
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