Sep 22, 2009 23:25
*sigh* Another day, another occurrance of me logging off WoW in utter frustration as even the simplest tasks become physically impossible. When clicking a "Complete Quest" button, which should close the quest window immediately, takes several full minutes to respond, you know it's simply not worth doing anything. At times like that, the lag is generally bad enough to make even much lower level enemies (which I can normally kill in 2-3 shots) a serious threat to try and fight. And it has become an unfortunately common occurance for me. Even if my guild was raiding right now, I'd have to bow out simply because my connection isn't good enough anymore for that. I mean, half the time I can't even complete my QUESTS, let alone attacking something with the spells/attacks of 9 or 24 other people going off. (which can strain even decent connections.)
All I really wanted to do was relax and do a few quests after a long day. So much for that. Verizon! Why do you taunt me so with your promises of a FiOS connection?! I wish they would give us some sort of ballpark estimate when the service would be available...