Sep 28, 2007 07:20
So, I wanted there to be more BW for today, but It looks like that is not happening. The next four pages are laid out, two of those are pencilled. Today should see the next two pencilled. The ink and coloring part after that goes pretty fast and is way funner than the layout pencilling part, so there is never any temptation to put that part off, but it will still probably be next wednesday before the update. Not terribly bad in the grand scheme of things. This next part has a lot of funny parts with clowns, and finally some good shots of what it's like inside the tent, so definitely going to be fun.
Things have been pretty busy lately, but a good kind of busy. Justin is doing well in school and in karate (orange belt!) and even has a group of friends in the neighborhood to run around with. His obsession with Good Eats and Feasting on Asphalt and Iron Chef has even caused him to branch out and try some food that is not a plain bologna sandwich or plain white rice or cocca pebbles. He actually had sauce on his spaghetti the other night. I feel like writing Alton Brown a thank you note.
In other news we have been plowing through first episodes of new shows lately, in an almost mostly completely vain effort to find something that is fun to watch. Pushing Daisies was the first one we watched, and it was pretty great. A basically a mash of all the Girl Quirky Genre films that have been coming out the past couple of years, but they seem to be having fun with it. The no touching ever is a pretty good tension point, and there is much potential for hyjinks and wacky fun times.
Heroes, the show I love to hate, is just on the edge of getting too racist and classist to be enjoyable at all, no matter how fun it is to say Mohinder Suresh. Claire is a spoiled brat, nathan's beard is retarded, and amnesia is the worlds most tedious plot device ever. Don't even get me started about Hiro's Hero turning out to be a blonde english drunk. Why, why god, is there a supposedly Comic Book Superhero show on tv that NEVER HAS ANY FIGHTS EVER. have these people read a comic book ever? ever? what the hell. seriously.
I heard a couple of you out there on this list say you enjoyed Reaper, so I put in a request for that to be downloaded and watched, which we did last night.
This show seemed like a fun mash of all the Boy Quirky Genre movies that have been coming out the past couple of years - Sean of the Dead and 40 Year old Virgin etc. The devil was awesome, & really you can't beat a monster of the week show for my money. There was explosions and cool fire monster and funny weapons too. It seemed alot like a less mystical more comedic Buffy, without the drama but with more funny to make up for it. Did i mention I love the devil? I love the devil.
Jeff seemed a little dissatisfied and annoyed during post episode discussion, which seemed strange to me, since I had enjoyed it so much, usually we are on the same page about these things for the most part. Eventually it came around to being he liked everything about the show except how boring the girl was. He expects the girl character in these things to be in the back of the truck at the end, being an equal part of the group, fighting right along with the boys.
But that is why he is awesome and tv shows suck. Its funny how I just completely accepted the worthlessness of the girl character, and ignored any parts she was in. But he's right, on further thinking, going with the part where the main dude lies to his mom who is having a mental breakdown over OH THE GUILT - it is clear women in this show are going to be lied too and separated from events under the guise of "protecting" them from what's going on, and that is going to keep it from being a really great show, which is a shame.
anything else good out there we should give a try? it doesn't necessarily have to be new, just good. Able to stand up without shame in the same room as Buffy and Angel would help too.