May 20, 2005 05:30
You know i have realized that this "anonymous" person who keeps leaving comments in my journal is really bored. So bored that they have nothing better to do than to keep popping their little head into Jeremy's life and now mine. Does trying to investigate us make you feel complete? does it fill that empty void in your life? cause i really hope so with all of the trouble that you have gone through to try and make us angry by being immature and rude. Well congrats to you. You have done your job....and now that i have finally written an entry just for your sake, you should just roll on...find some one else to feed off of. feed off of other people....guess that kinda puts you at the level of a parasite. listen...jeremy's life and my life is not THAT interesting...i am sure you can find someone elses life that MUST be more fasinating...and if you cannot you are not looking in the mirror long enough everyday...because from the sounds of may need some serious counsiling....and i am NOT kidding...
thank you for your has been a pleasure