Jan 24, 2006 21:32
So my friend Erika is trying to hook me up with this guy (whom she swears she'd "do" if she weren't married)...
well the other day she brought him to see me at what couldn't be the worst time EVER. i was AT WORK!!! so later that night he came over and we hung out and talked until like four in the morning. so the next day he came back over until noon, and we've talked every night on the phone since we've met for like hours on end. he is really funny. and extremely nice. his name is Donnie. But everyone calls him "bub"??? i dunno why really.
i dont think that i will date him... but he sure is fun to be around. He is about my age. and has a daughter already... her name is Aubrey. and she is almost 10 months old. and she is just the cutest little baby i have ever seen. and she loves me!!! ;)
Tim is really starting to piss people off. especially me and roy. GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR to tim. hahaha and then roy and i have a new nickname for him
"Tiny Tim" and you can only guess why i call him that. we are going to call that 1-800 comercial for Enzyte and see if we cannot get him a free sample!!!
i know it's horrible but after what he has done recently. he deserves it. he's been a complete ass. then to try and make up for it... he tries to by me more gifts and take me out to dinner like money is going to pay me off or something... hahaha... NO.