
May 26, 2010 15:02

Antonio is a vampire. In his world, this means something very different than it would in most other realities. He was never human. Was never turned. He was born, just like any human would be. He grew, as a vampire, and in essence, has always been one. As a vampire, he is capable of super-human speed, agility, can heal faster, though over several days, and can see in nearly complete darkness.

Aside from the abilities afforded him by his very nature, Antonio is a very skilled conversationalist and a businessman. He’s also a very gifted architect and artist. His other skills also include fencing, horsemanship, and sculpting. His past has given him an almost sixth sense when it comes to impending danger, and he’s very good at avoiding it.

Antonio would fall victim to any bullet, fire, train, etc that would kill any other living creature, as he is alive and breathing. He’s just as vulnerable to wounds and wounding as well. He does have superhuman reflexes, speed, and strength, but not resilience. He can catch various diseases, mostly those borne of the blood, and most strains of virus and bacterium that any members of the ape family were susceptible to. His one, singular weakness is ultra-violet radiation. That produced by light-bulbs, aside from tanning beds, isn’t enough to cause him any harm. The light of the sun, however, causes a chemical reaction in his blood that results in the production of cyanide. If exposed longer than a minute or two, the poison builds up enough to make him physically ill. Any longer would result in death.

Aside from physical weaknesses to the sun, Antonio himself has an almost phobic view of it. When he was 25, the equivalent of 16 years of age to his kind, the Inquisition came to the city of Madrid. It was then, watching from a shaded window hidden in plain view, he saw his mother, dragged kicking and screaming from their home, die in agony at the hands of the sun. Of course, it makes perfect sense that any creature affected in such a way by anything would be wary of the thing in question, but Antonio’s avoidance of the sun borders on Obsessive/Compulsive.

Over half the world’s vampire population was wiped out by the Black Death, and half of the remainder by the Inquisition; a situation they’ve never recovered from, which can be attributed to their extremely long reproduction time. A female vampire only goes into cycle once every ten years or so. It has been estimated that roughly 800 vampires survived the Inquisition at all. As a result of this, in his 450 years of life, he’s met a handful of his own kind. Because of this, he’s convinced his destiny is to remain alone, and usually attempts to remain distant from other for fear of losing them.

He has a weakness for a woman with a bubbly personality, though, and it has been his downfall on more than one occasion. He becomes obsessed rather easily, to a point that could border on stalking. Once he gets something or someone ‘in his blood’ his mind will only focus on the object of that obsession. Work, friends, and hobbies fall to the wayside until his curiosity and/or fascination are satisfied.

abilities, flaws, ooc, weaknesses

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