FB3X Drabble cascades Welcome to the FB3X Drabble Cascade, a weekly blog hop where we want you to share your drabbles, or flash fiction inspired by our word of the week. To join in, just post your piece to your blog/social media/website and add your link to the list with Title (Rating, Genre), e.g. A Little Bit of Fun (PG, Science Fiction) and then to perpetuate the cascade, add the list code to the bottom of your post :)
Title: The Cost of Peace (G, SciFi, m/f-m)
Author: charisstoma
Word count: 100
‘He’s not a child anymore,’ was patiently thought.
‘I know that. Let him make his own choices,’ was thought back.
“Okay, I can hear you both. You’d think being joined you could think a bit more quietly.” Aldus looked at his parental unit, his mother and his much smaller absorbed parasitic father; his forced adoption had been a peace exchange of children between his adoptive people and his, the encroaching aliens.
Aldus considered the large female who wanted him. He’d touched minds with her and her male previously and liked them. Nodding finally, he approached her pouch, his new home.