Story: The Management of Erhard

Aug 04, 2011 04:48

Title: The Management of Erhard (Wizard's World- Erhard)
Author: charisstoma
Word count: 605

Erhard offered himself up at the office of Student Services exactly three hours after luncheon, where a note was presented to him by the Dean’s assistant for his meeting with his new mentor. The changes in his life had him expecting some nights when he fell asleep, that he would wake with a pillow soggy from his brains melted and drooling out of his ears, his head no longer able to retain everything. After he’d had a firm basic grounding in the first magic discipline, he had been shuttled back to the Student Services office to obtain another introductory note. The Dean had found the key to his chastity belt and had locked him up securely; Erhard had no time for a libido, not with his regular classes, and his tour of the various specializations of magic. He wasn’t bored though.

All of the disciplines he found interesting, and that was reflected in his summarizations of what he had learned. Those reviews were presented to both the mentor, with whom he had been recently studying, and the Stu.Serv. Dean. Unsure of the reason behind his bouncing from mentor to mentor, it wasn’t until a substitute secretarial assistant had pulled his file up and stepped into the Dean’s office for a moment that he discovered what might be an answer. How many cat familiars could be said to be able to resist taking a peek at what their authority figures thought of them? Erhard couldn’t.

The reports from his mentors were overall complementary, with comments that his faults would be outgrown with time and practice. Of course his mind faltered, questioning, ‘faults, what faults?! ‘Which’ faults?,’ but he was distracted by a bolded word in his file on the screen; an inserted tag: ‘Booster’. At that point the door rattled and the assistant found him leaning against the desk, back turned to where his record was open. The introduction to his newest mentor was thrust into his hand with a ruffling pat on his head and he was told to take himself off. Erhard added another task to his homework list; he needed to discover, ‘what was a Booster?’ It was a full nine days before he found his answers in his Basics of Magics textbook, which he painstakingly wrote out for consideration later.

Magic is one part of that which we perceive as reality in our world. Unable to be discerned in the normal manner of the five senses; it is the imagined, the possible, and the improbable that yields to the capabilities and needs of the individual who possesses and commands it. 1

Most of a Booster’s spells will come from the discipline of transmutation; a wizard who is a transmuter, will find they have a greater number of spells to access for use in increasing or boosting the natural strengths and abilities of those with whom they work. It is only the scope of the booster’s education in those spells that limits their abilities. This makes comprehensively trained boosters much desired as partners. 2

Transmutation modifies energy and matter, whether to reform a thing or individual’s shape, or increase its capabilities or even how it is able to interact with the environment in which it exists. Anything can be modified. Transmuters have a need to interact with and change the world around them, they exist in an intense insatiable curiosity and show an enthusiastic desire to increase their knowledge.

The specialization of transmutation is the reverse of conjuration, modifying that which already exists instead of creating or summoning materials. 3

Looking over that which he’d written out, Erhard's mouth formed a small ‘O’. ‘So that’s what was happening. Awesome.’

1Skip williams, et al., D&D Complete Mage : a Player’s Guide to All Things Arcane (Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, Renton WA, 2006) 5.15,12-13.

2Williams, D&D Complete Mage : a Player’s Guide to All Things Arcane 15.
3Williams, D&D Complete Mage : a Player’s Guide to All Things Arcane 12-13.

wizard's world, erhard, kittens, story

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