Master List -Why yes there is a Demon interested ... Title: Research - Part 4
Part 3 - The Meeting - charisstoma
Word count: 438
After the incident in the foyer and then the wide glass door, she was feeling hunted. She’d made it outside safely thanks to the greater foot traffic on the lower level stairwell. If this continued it was going to seriously impact her ability to do the things she needed to do, like earn a living. As far as her creative writing class, she rolled her eyes.
Picking up a taco and a soda at a street vendor, she sat on a bench in the dappled shade of a tree to consider. She needed information, so:
1. research at the Library on protective measures against demon possession
2. visit the demon liaison office which had a daunting location with its dual portal.
The Library wasn’t difficult. Lots of students entering or leaving at the same time that she was. The references were more difficult, she smiled, something to do with students doing research.
Finally she got a reference that was high on the list of books suggested for the upper level Demonology Classes, a student told her a title on that list and went with her to find it on the shelves. Together they found the pages pertinent to her needs, used the copier, something the sympathetic and helpful student suggested though she kind of figured out that the student wanted the book themselves. She was lucky that the book was a ‘Reference’ and therefore for in-Library use only.
Trying to exit out of the Library through the double sliding doors should have been easy; once more in a tandem with students some of whom met the criteria of demon-munchies, evidently her predicament was becoming known. In fact one of them had rudely shoved her back to step through and had promptly disappeared. To reappear almost as quickly. The student was practically coughed back out into the Library and a low growl had more than her rubbing the hair on their arms to settle goosebumps. Tit for tat, she grabbed the angry rejected student and firmly walked out with her arm in arm, a smile broad upon her face in contrast with the grumpy face of the student.
Undoubtedly there was some rule she was breaking, as she stooped to gather and pocket a handful of pebbles from the landscaping. But they were one of the most easily accessible protective items. Throw a few through a doorway/possible summoning circle and when the first hits the ground step threw whatever entrance you needed to get through safely and still be on this plane.
Now just make it across campus and into the Liaison Office. Should be easy as pie, right.
Part 5 - Perilous Path -